Development Alliance Myanmar


Development Alliance Myanmar (DA-Myanmar) was founded in 2019 in Myanmar, is a registered Non-Government Organization. DA-Myanmar is dedicated the transition for democracy, peace and youth development program in order to promote the youth participation through youth-focused strategy. DA-Myanmar is working to promote civic engagement, peace building and assist to community resilience program collaborating with civic actors in Myanmar. DA-Myanmar is dedicated to restoring democracy process through encouraging community participation.

About Us
Our implementation strategic partners

Our Values




Youth's Empowerment



Working Experience

"Empowering young men and women to advocate for peace and challenge hate speech in Myanmar"

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About Us

Working with Youth-Focused Strategy

Development Alliance Myanmar is rooted by the inspiration of the youth policy enhancement process since 2016 following democratic transition period in Myanmar and was founded by the youth activists who were involved in the youth policy process. In the consecutive year, DA-Myanmar was operated as an organization starting in 2017 working with youths in fighting for democracy and human rights and support initiatives for Myanmar youth development with youth focus strategy. Since the organization was founded to strengthen the local youth communities along with youth policy implementation, DA-Myanmar enriched the youth institutional capacity development as well as advocating the meaningful youth participation in the multi sectoral affairs in the country. In 2019, DA-Myanmar expanded the mission of the organization and enhanced the mutual contribution with other CSOs and youth alliances to leverage the implementation of youth focused strategy.

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People Reached

20,000 beneficiaries

Reached-out beneficiaries in the implemented projects are shown in the file chart.

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Area Covreages


Read the project area details in the link described.

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Our Programs

Yangon, Myanmar

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