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"Empowering young men and women to advocate for peace and challenge hate speech in Myanmar"

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Working with Youth-Focused Strategy

Development Alliance Myanmar is rooted by the inspiration of the youth policy enhancement process since 2016 following democratic transition period in Myanmar and was founded by the youth activists who were involved in the youth policy process. In the consecutive year, DA-Myanmar was operated as an organization starting in 2017 working with youths in fighting for democracy and human rights and support initiatives for Myanmar youth development with youth focus strategy. Since the organization was founded to strengthen the local youth communities along with youth policy implementation, DA-Myanmar enriched the youth institutional capacity development as well as advocating the meaningful youth participation in the multi sectoral affairs in the country. In 2019, DA-Myanmar expanded the mission of the organization and enhanced the mutual contribution with other CSOs and youth alliances to leverage the implementation of youth focused strategy.

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People Reached

20,000 beneficiaries

Reached-out beneficiaries in the implemented projects are shown in the file chart.

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Area Covreages


Read the project area details in the link described.

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Development Alliance Myanmar is rooted by the inspiration of the youth policy enhancement process since 2016 following democratic transition period in Myanmar and was founded by the youth activists who were involved in the youth policy process. In the consecutive year, DA-Myanmar was operated as an organization starting in 2017 working with youths in fighting for democracy and human rights and support initiatives for Myanmar youth development with youth focus strategy. Since the organization was founded to strengthen the local youth communities along with youth policy implementation, DA-Myanmar enriched the youth institutional capacity development as well as advocating the meaningful youth participation in the multi affairs in the country. In 2019, DA-Myanmar expanded the mission of the organization and enhanced the mutual contribution with other Civil Society Organizations and youth alliances to leverage the implementation of youth focused strategy.

In 2020, DA-Myanmar was registered as a local NGO and started the new chapter. Currently, the organization is running three main programs with cross cutting issues in wider thematic areas; Civic Engagement Program, Peace Building Program and Community Resilience Program. Civic Engagement Program’s objectives meet the promoting Human Rights, Democracy and enhancing Rules of Law. The Peace Building Program is running focused on peace education, anti-hate speech and initiating community dialogue culture across the diverse community. Last but not least, the Community Resilience Program is working on equality, countering gender based violent, humanitarian assistance, livelihood. To sum up, DA-Myanmar is a proactive alliance organization intended to support the sustainable development in Myanmar.

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Empowering Youths to Advocate for Peace and Challenges Hate Speech in Myanmar

We implemented a 2-year project on “Empowering youths to advocate for peace and tackle hate speech in Myanmar” throughout Rakhine State, Mon State, Mandalay, and Bago Region, funded by the United Nations Peace Building Fund (UNPBF) that reached 5000 direct and 30000 indirect beneficiaries as well as 18 religious institutions and 20 youth women-led initiatives.

The activities included in this project-

  • Supporting to organize township youth committee as per National Youth Policy.

  • Organizing Youth Coordination Meetings with local youth networks, Youth Affair Committee, and local CSOs to advocate for peace and tackling hate speech in Myanmar

  • Organizing Strategic Planning and Advocacy workshops for youth committee and youth network members to be able to write their strategic planning for their networks and to advocate for others by themselves.

  • Organizing youth-led peace Campaigns that decrease hate speech and increase tolerance among different religious and cultural groups.

  • Making Cross Regional Exposure Trip among different ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds to build mutual understanding, trust, and respect and increase tolerance.

  • Facilitating intergenerational and Inter-community dialogue to enhance trust among different communities and generations and providing training to youths’ networks that support civic engagement and collaboration to lead cross-regional events.

School Health Promotion Project

In this project, we reached out to 500 primary and secondary students from public, monastery, and missionary schools in rural areas across five townships of the Yangon Region.

The activities included in this project-

  • Educating primary and secondary school students on personal hygiene, WASH, communicable diseases especially Covid-19, and nutrition to prevent common communicable diseases.

  • Giving health and personal hygiene items to the students and educating how to use them.

Young People's Inclusiveness in Myanmar 2020 General Election Project

This nationwide project was implemented for 12 months across 14 states & regions and reached out to 10000 youth beneficiaries encouraging over 3500 First Time Voters to go to poll stations to cast their voters.

The activities included in this project-

  • Providing civic and voter education training, Peer to Pear training to youths who are aged 18 to 24 years old.

  •  Creating a Mobile Application for the general election of 2020 and providing training to the youths on how to use the app.

  • Notifying people to vote before and on the election day through the application and collecting the number of voters after voting to know the number of voters and the impacts of the application on the voting process.

  • Organizing Youth Mobilization Centre on Election Day to encourage youths to go for voting and to collect the number of voters through the application.

Building Peaceful Society among Youth Community Project 

This 12-month project benefited 1700 civic actors and 3 youth-led groups across 3 states & regions in Myanmar.

The activities included in this project-

  • Providing training on Human Rights, Democracy, Social Cohesion and Peace Building, Gender Equality, and Community Dialogue to youths from different ethnic and multicultural backgrounds to promote human rights and democratic practice as well as social harmony.

  • Educating the community on GBV protection with documentary videos that mobilize community participation in addressing and protecting against Gender Base Violence in the community.

Readiness Ensuring for Development Project

This project was implemented for 12 months and reached 1000 beneficiaries and one civil society network across 5 states & regions in Myanmar.

The activities included in this project-

  • Providing human rights and democracy training, transactional justice Training, Human Rights Documentation Training, and Digital Security Training to local youths to increase their knowledge and promote the practice of democracy.

  • Organizing Democracy Dialogue Meetings and Networking Min-Forum with local CSOs, activists, and youths to know the community problems and find the solutions to challenge this problem.

20,000 beneficiaries

Building Peaceful Society amoung Youth Community Project

Readiness Ensuring for Development Project

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